Exames Internacionais

Na década de 1990, a Escola UK CENTRE® foi reconhecida pela sua qualidade por algumas entidades britânicas, tais como: a Universidade de Oxford/ARELS para aplicações dos Exames Internacionais de Língua Inglesa (Código do Centro: 40833); AQA - Aliança de Qualificações e Avaliações do Reino Unido (Código do Centro: 82057); LCCI International Qualifications / EDI - Education Development International, Great Britain (Código do Centro: BRAZ 103); Trinity College de Londres; como também membros da Família Real Britânica, como a Rainha Elizabeth II e o Príncipe Charles, já congratularam o UK CENTRE® pelos serviços prestados.

  1. Universidade de Cambridge 
  2. Universidade de Michigan - ECCE - Intermediate
  3. Universidade de Michigan - ECPE - Advanced
  5. Universidade de Oxford

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Oxford and ARELS Examinations

The Oxford Examination was established by the University of Oxford Delegacy of Local Examinations (UODLE) and since 1995 is part of the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES). The Oxford-ARELS examinations are designed as complementary English language proficiency tests, serving as proof of the examinee's practical communication skills. The Oxford exams test reading and writing skills, the ARELS exams test speaking and listening skills.

The Oxford Preliminary Examination
The Oxford Preliminary Examination is based on the specifications for the Council of Europe's waystage level. Candidates should be able to communicate in English in a limited number of standard everyday situations. The required level of proficiency is usually reached after a minimum of 300-400 hours of English language tuition.

The Oxford Higher Examination
The Oxford exam is based on the specifications for the Council of Europe's threshold level. Candidates should be able to deal with most everyday situations in social contexts.

The ARELS Higher Examination
The ARELS Higher Examination is based on the specifications for the Council of Europe's threshold level. The exam is comprised of six sections: free oral expression, social responses, intelligible speech, aural comprehension, sustained speaking and oral accuracy.

      *Oxford: reading and writing sections
      *ARELS: listening and speaking sections

New JET/SET ESOL International Qualifications

Junior English Test and Senior English Test (JETSET) - An excellent starting point for learning English leading up to level C2 on the Common European Framework (CEF).

JET and SET qualifications are a range of internationally accredited qualifications, designed to assess the learner’s ability to communicate in English. JET/SET provides a clear and consistent pathway through English language learning, from beginner to full fluency, enabling learners of all ages and backgrounds to develop their skills.

  • Contextualised papers - suitable for all ages and all abilities
  • All 4 skills covered: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking
  • Available at 7 levels aligned to the Common European Framework
  • Consistent progression between levels
  • On-demand flexibility: schedule exams for a time convenient for centres and learners
  • Extensive support materials to assist with the delivery of JET/SET

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